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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 64 NE 197
Type of record:Listed Building
Name:THE OLD WELL HOUSE, East Peckham


Grade II listed building. Main construction periods 1800 to 1832 Old Well House : listed building

Grid Reference:TQ 67270 49408
Map Sheet:TQ64NE

Monument Types

  • BUILDING (Post Medieval to Modern - 1800 AD to 2050 AD)
Protected Status:Listed Building (II) 1363014: THE OLD WELL HOUSE

Full description

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The following text is from the original listed building designation:
3/50 The Old Well House
- II
Cottage row; now 1 house. Early C19. Ground floor of red brick with some grey headers, 1st floor tile-hung. Half-hipped tiled roof with ridge stacks. 2 storeys, 5 windows, modern casements. Entrance between 2nd and 3rd windows from left. Included as a good example of modest domestic building of tradi- tional regional type.
Listing NGR: TQ6730448792 (1)

Description from record TQ 64 NE 29 :
Listed building : no additional information available

End-jetty house with a formerly open 2-bay hall, overshot passage at the east end and a rear side aisle to the north. There is a 16th century conversion to a smoke-bay house. (2)

HIStoric England archive material (3)

<1> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.

<2> Pearson, S., Barnwell, P. S. & Adams, A. T., 1994, A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent (Monograph). SKE8010.

<3> Historic England, Archive material associated with Old Well House, Hale Street, Listed Building (Archive). SKE57148.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.
<2>Monograph: Pearson, S., Barnwell, P. S. & Adams, A. T.. 1994. A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent.
<3>Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with Old Well House, Hale Street, Listed Building.