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Monument details

HER Number:TR 13 NW 195
Type of record:Listed Building


Grade II listed building. Main construction periods 1400 to 1989

Grid Reference:TR 10174 39703
Map Sheet:TR13NW

Monument Types

  • HOUSE (Medieval to Modern - 1400 AD to 2050 AD)
Protected Status:Listed Building (II) 1061061: SOUTHENAY COTTAGE

Full description

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The following text is from the original listed building designation:

3/89 Southenay Cottage
House. C15 or early C16, with later C16 addition. Later alterations. Restored in 1980s. Timber framed. Ground floor underbuilt with red brick in English bond, first floor rendered. Rear wing clad with painted galleted stone. Plain tile roof. 1½ timber-framed bays of an open hall with later C16 cross-wing of 2 timber-framed bays to left forming T plan. Long left return elevation of wing formed entrance front from at least C18. Open hall range (now rear wing) 1½ storeys. Cross-wing 2 storeys and attic. Present front elevation: formerly with continuous jetty, returning along right gable end and now underbuilt. Eaves of right gable end jettied (possibly with gable above), with mortices for brackets under wall-plate ends. Lower eaves and ridge to rear wing. Roof now hipped to right and left. Broad projecting red brick stack in English bond to left gable end. Gable end stack to rear wing. Central hipped C20 dormer. Irregular fenestation of 2 windows; one 3-light casement and one 6-pane sash. Boarded door with 4-light fanlight off-centre to right in panelled recess, with gabled canopy. Lean-to to rear of left gable end, returning round rear of building. Interior: exposed framing. Moulded axial and cross-beams, joists, dragon- beam and cornice with leaf chamfer-stops to ground floor of "front" range. Chamfered principal posts. Moulded 4-centred arched doorhead between ranges. Moulded fireplace bressumer to rear wing. Clasped purlin roof to front range with windbraces and diminishing principal rafters. Collared common rafter roof to rear range. C18 staircase to front range.
Listing NGR: TR0925739107 (1)

House with remnants of low formerly open 2-bay hall. This was truncated and the remaining part largely rebuilt with reused material when a mid 16th century upper end wing was built. This was substantially altered again later. (2)

Historic England archive material: (3)

<1> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.

<2> Pearson, S., Barnwell, P. S. & Adams, A. T., 1994, A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent (Monograph). SKE8010.

<3> Historic England, Archive material associated with Southenay Cottage, Sellindge, Listed building (Archive). SKE57085.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.
<2>Monograph: Pearson, S., Barnwell, P. S. & Adams, A. T.. 1994. A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent.
<3>Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with Southenay Cottage, Sellindge, Listed building.