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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 66 NE 141
Type of record:Listed Building


Grade II listed building. Main construction periods 1400 to 1930

Grid Reference:TQ 6625 6533
Map Sheet:TQ66NE

Monument Types

  • BUILDING (Medieval to Modern - 1400 AD to 2050 AD)
Protected Status:Listed Building (II) 1372618: DEAN MANOR

Full description

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The following text is from the original listed building designation:
TQ 66 NE MEOPHAM DEAN LANE 5/71 21.11.66 Dean Manor
West end is service wing of early C15 timber-framed building. Walls partly flint with ragstone quoins otherwise brick. Hipped tiled roof. At south-west corner the base of a chimney stack with fireplace in chamber over. Small stone loop at ground level. Original roof with cruciform crownpost on cambered tiebeam. C16 brick chimney stack on site of screen passage. South wall of centre part red brick with grey headers with string course. East end of red brick with brick cornice, Timbers exposed on north side. Casement windows, irregular spacing. Alterations including refacing of eastern part C18 and 1930.
Listing NGR: TQ6625465336 "Formerly TQ66256534" (1)

Truncated and much altered 2-bay 2 storey wing the only indisputable medieval part of which is the crown post roof. (2)

HIStoric England archive material: BF040319 DENE MANOR, MEOPHAM File of material relating to a site or building. This material has not yet been fully catalogued. Copyright, date, and quantity information for this record may be incomplete or inaccurate. RCH01/048/01/486 Labelled sheet of drawings of Dene Manor, Meopham, with a ground-floor plan, and crown-post, base and scarf joint details RCH01/048/01/487 Labelled sheet of drawings of Dene Manor, Meopham, with cross-sections A-C and C-C

<1> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.

<2> Pearson, S., Barnwell, P. S. & Adams, A. T., 1994, A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent (Monograph). SKE8010.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.
<2>Monograph: Pearson, S., Barnwell, P. S. & Adams, A. T.. 1994. A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent.