It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.
Monument details
HER Number: | TR 05 SE 230 |
Type of record: | Listed Building |
Grade I listed building. Main construction periods 1616 to 1999. Chilham Castle was sited on a promontory, defending the gap in the Downs made by the river Stour with a straight view down to Canterbury. Previously used by the monarchy, retained by Henry II and again in royal control during the reign of Richard I when money was spent on its repair. Sir Thomas Cheney, however, pulled it down for building materials later in the 16th century. The octagonal keep was thought to have been built in the third quarter of the 12th century at the same time as the curtain walls. A house was built at the site in the 17th century and was subject to alterations in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Grid Reference: | TR 0668 5347 |
Map Sheet: | TR05SE |
Monument Types
- CASTLE (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1160 AD to 1616 AD)
- HOUSE (Post Medieval to Modern - 1616 AD to 2050 AD)
- SITE (Post Medieval to Modern - 1616 AD to 1999 AD)
- DONKEY WHEEL (Post Medieval to Modern - 1700 AD? to 2050 AD?)
- GARDEN TERRACE (Post Medieval to Modern - 1700 AD? to 2050 AD?)
- HA HA (Post Medieval to Modern - 1700 AD? to 2050 AD?)
- SUNDIAL (Post Medieval to Modern - 1700 AD? to 2050 AD?)
- ELEPHANT HOUSE (Post Medieval to Modern - 1750 AD? to 2050 AD)
Full description
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Description from record TR 05 SE 3:
[TR 0662 5346] Chilham Castle [NR] (1) Chilham Castle stands on a mound and consists of an octagonal keep with forebuildintg, of about 1160, surrounded by a roughly rectangularcurtain wall, perhaps 14th century but resting on foundations contemporary with the keep. Examination in 1926 by Clapham and Wheeler showed that the base of the forebuilding incorporated the remains of a 11th century hall. The house of 1626 stands immediately to the east of the keep. (2-4) Chilham Castle is as described above and is in good condition. Survey (earthworks only) at 1:2500. (5) Chilham Castle, Grade I. House built 1616, additions and alterations 1861-3 and 1922. Chilham Castle Keep and Donkey Wheel, Grade I. Castle keep and curtain walls. 11th century and 1171-74. Restored early 20th century. 18th century donkey wheel, timber framed shelter with plain tile roof. Horizontal wheel in poor condition. Bridge over lake at Chilham Park, Grade II. 18th century bridge of red brick. Terraces to south of Chilham Castle, Grade II. Late 17th and early 18th century red brick garden terraces. Sundial 20 yards south west of Chilham Castle, Grade II. 18th centurystone sundial with metal plaque. Ha-Ha to south of Chilham Castle, Grade II. 18th century red brick ha-ha. Elephant House (Annaugh House on map), Grade II. Elephant house, now house. Late 18th century, altered 19th century. Red brick and tile roof. (For full descriptions see list.) (6)(7) Additional bibliography. (8-16)
Chilham Castle was sited on a promontory, defending the gap in the Downs made by the river Stour with a straight view down to Canterbury. Previously used by the monarchy, retained by Henry II and again in royal control during the reign of Richard I when money was spent on its repair. Sir Thomas Cheney, however, pulled it down for building materials later in the 16th century. The octagonal keep was thought to have been built in the third quarter of the 12th century at the same time as the curtain walls. A house was built at the site in the 17th century and was subject to alterations in the 19th and early 20th centuries. (19)
The following text is from the original listed building designation:
TR 0653-0753 CHILHAM
7/43 Chilham Castle 13.10.52 GV I
House. 1616 for Sir Dudley Digges, addtions and alterations by David Brandon 1861 - 3, and Sir Herbert Baker, 1922. Red brick and ashlar dressings and plain tile roof. Built as an hexagon open to the south, with C19 and C20 service wing extending to the west. Entrance front: 2 storeys and basement, with string courses to first and second floors and battlements, 3 groups of tall chimneys; 3 storey corner turrets with ogee cupolas, and central 3 storey gabled porch. Regular fenestration of 4 mullioned cross-windows, with single lights in the turrets, and curving oriel (1922) in porch. Oak board doorway in ashlared surround with flanking pilasters and frieze over inscribed "The Lord is my House of Defence and my Castle. Dudley Digges, A.D. 1616, Mary Kempe." The garden and other fronts are of similar design. Interior: restored panelled hall entered in centre of one long side, an unusual overmantel. Much linenfold and C18 panelling elsewhere. Staircase original, of 3 flights, with arcades at main levels; flights running up open wells, with Tuscan columns below and Ionic above, with turned balusters. Some important Bethersden marble chimney pieces in situ. The Banqueting Hall in the wing by Baker was originally a swimming pool, a copy of Caligula's baths at Carrara. (See B.O.E. Kent. II, 27405, and C.L. Vol. 55, 1939). Listing NGR: TR0669553487 (20)
Le Evans Partnership Chartered Architects and Planning Consultants, 1993, Stable Court, Chilham Castle (Unpublished document). SKE6796.
2003, Chilham Castle, Kent: Historic Landscape Survey & Restoration Proposals. Appendix B of Countryside Stewardship Application (Unpublished document). SKE17695.
<1> O S 6" 1961 (OS Card Reference). SKE47762.
<2> Ant J 8, 1928, 350-3 (plans, illusts) (A W Clapham) (OS Card Reference). SKE33223.
<3> Arch J 86, 1930, 302-6 (plans) (A W Clapham) (OS Card Reference). SKE36746.
<4> Castles of G B 1953, 104 (S Toy) (OS Card Reference). SKE38638.
<5> F1 ASP 17-MAY-63 (OS Card Reference). SKE42153.
<6> DOE (HHR) Boro of Ashford, Kent Aug 1984, 24-25 (OS Card Reference). SKE39836.
<7> B O E NE & E Kent 1983, 273-5 (J Newman) (OS Card Reference). SKE37428.
<8> Castellarium Anglicanum 1, 1983, 228-229 (D J Cathcart-King) (OS Card Reference). SKE38608.
<9> Country Life 55, 1924, 1000-6 (C Hussey) (OS Card Reference). SKE39446.
<10> Ants of Eng and Wales 2, 1774 (F Grose) (OS Card Reference). SKE33307.
<11> V C H Kent 1, 1908, 412 (OS Card Reference). SKE50714.
<12> Arch Cant 29, 1911, 228 (OS Card Reference). SKE34974.
<13> The Eng Castle 1936, 44-8 (H Braun) (OS Card Reference). SKE50338.
<14> Hist of the Kings Works 2, 1963, 613 (OS Card Reference). SKE44037.
<15> Norman Domestic Archit 1974, 36 (M Wood) (OS Card Reference). SKE47679.
<16> Ind Arch of S E England 1978, 32 (A J Haselfoot) (OS Card Reference). SKE44213.
<17> Field report for monument TR 05 SE 3 - May, 1963 (Bibliographic reference). SKE5210.
<18> ["ANTIQUITIES OF CHILHAM"] (Collection). SKE6546.
<19> Victor Smith and Andrew Saunders, 2001, Kent's Defence Heritage (Unpublished document). SKE6956.
<20> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.
Sources and further reading
| Source description | --- | Unpublished document: 2003. Chilham Castle, Kent: Historic Landscape Survey & Restoration Proposals. Appendix B of Countryside Stewardship Application. |
--- | Unpublished document: Le Evans Partnership Chartered Architects and Planning Consultants. 1993. Stable Court, Chilham Castle. |
<1> | OS Card Reference: O S 6" 1961. |
<2> | OS Card Reference: Ant J 8, 1928, 350-3 (plans, illusts) (A W Clapham). |
<3> | OS Card Reference: Arch J 86, 1930, 302-6 (plans) (A W Clapham). |
<4> | OS Card Reference: Castles of G B 1953, 104 (S Toy). |
<5> | OS Card Reference: F1 ASP 17-MAY-63. |
<6> | OS Card Reference: DOE (HHR) Boro of Ashford, Kent Aug 1984, 24-25. |
<7> | OS Card Reference: B O E NE & E Kent 1983, 273-5 (J Newman). |
<8> | OS Card Reference: Castellarium Anglicanum 1, 1983, 228-229 (D J Cathcart-King). |
<9> | OS Card Reference: Country Life 55, 1924, 1000-6 (C Hussey). |
<10> | OS Card Reference: Ants of Eng and Wales 2, 1774 (F Grose). |
<11> | OS Card Reference: V C H Kent 1, 1908, 412. |
<12> | OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 29, 1911, 228. |
<13> | OS Card Reference: The Eng Castle 1936, 44-8 (H Braun). |
<14> | OS Card Reference: Hist of the Kings Works 2, 1963, 613. |
<15> | OS Card Reference: Norman Domestic Archit 1974, 36 (M Wood). |
<16> | OS Card Reference: Ind Arch of S E England 1978, 32 (A J Haselfoot). |
<17> | Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TR 05 SE 3 - May, 1963. |
<18> | Collection: ["ANTIQUITIES OF CHILHAM"]. |
<19> | Unpublished document: Victor Smith and Andrew Saunders. 2001. Kent's Defence Heritage. |
<20>XY | Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. [Mapped feature: #22266 castle, ] |
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