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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 75 SW 62
Type of record:Listed Building
Name:Malt House Cottages, East Farleigh


Malt House Cottages : listed building Grade II listed building. Main construction periods 1450 to 1999

Grid Reference:TQ 7435 5277
Map Sheet:TQ75SW

Monument Types

  • HOUSE (Medieval to Modern - 1440 AD to 2050 AD)
Protected Status:Listed Building (II) 1249494: MALT HOUSE COTTAGES

Full description

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Listed building : no additional information available

Description from record TQ 75 SW 115:
The following text is from the original listed building designation:
Dean Street TQ 75 SW EAST FARLEIGH 2/28 Malt House Cottages GV II
House, now house row. C16 or earlier, with later alterations, restored in C20. Timber framed, roughcast, with slate roof. 2 storeys and attic on rendered plinth. Gable end jetty to left. Steeply pitched hipped roof. Projecting buff brick stack with rendered base to left gable end. Buff brick ridge stack towards centre and buff brick stack in front slope of roof to right end addition. Irregular fenestration of 7 casements; two 3-light to left of central stack, two 2-light and two 3-light to right, and one 3-light to right end addition. Half-glazed door in roughcast porch to No. 1 (towards left end, ribbed door to No. 2 under stack and another to No. 3 towards right end. Half-glazed door in roughcast porch to right end of main range. Interior not inspected. Formerly known as Nos. 1-4 Well House.
Listing NGR: TQ7436452787 (1)

End-jetty house with a formerly open 2-bay hall with a jetty at the upper end only. (2)

Historic England archive material: BF040333 MALT HOUSE COTTAGES, EAST FARLEIGH File of material relating to a site or building. This material has not yet been fully catalogued. Copyright, date, and quantity information for this record may be incomplete or inaccurate. RCH01/048/01/236 Labelled sketch plan of the ground-floor of Malt House Cottages, East Farleigh

<1> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.

<2> Pearson, S., Barnwell, P. S. & Adams, A. T., 1994, A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent (Monograph). SKE8010.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.
<2>Monograph: Pearson, S., Barnwell, P. S. & Adams, A. T.. 1994. A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent.