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Monument details

HER Number:TR 36 SE 360
Type of record:Building
Name:Military Road, West Cliff, Ramsgate


Military Road which runs along the quayside adjacent to the inner marina of the Royal Harbour at Ramsgate appears on 1st (1862-1875), 2nd (1897-1900), 3rd (1906-1923), 4th (1929-1952) and Modern OS maps. The original road was built in 1802 for the embarcation of troops and stores during the Npoleonic wars.

Grid Reference:TR 3799 6448
Map Sheet:TR36SE

Monument Types

  • ROAD (Post Medieval to Modern - 1800 AD? to 2050 AD?)

Full description

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Military Road which runs along the quayside adjacent to the inner marina of the Royal Harbour at Ramsgate appears on 1st (1862-1875), 2nd (1897-1900), 3rd (1906-1923), 4th (1929-1952) and Modern OS maps. The original road was built in 1800 by prisoners to give access around the inner basin of the harbour and to build workshops for boat building and repair work. During the Napoleonic wars (1800-1815) it was the embarcation and repatriarion point for thousands of troops and stores. In 1881 the road was extended when the Harbour Offices, Sailors' Church and Smack Boy hostel were built.

After the Congress of Vienna, Ramsgate's military importance declined sharply as the threat from France ended and Britain's focus of attention switched from Europe to the colonies. The barracks, stables, parade grounds and gun batteries etc. were sold off to developers and an intense period of building followed.

Landmark, Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 1st edition 1862-1875): Landmark Epoch 1 (Map). SKE30964.

Landmark, Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 2nd Edition, 1897-1900): Landmark Epoch 2 (Map). SKE30965.

Landmark, Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 4th Edition, 1929-1952) (Map). SKE30967.

Ordinance Survey, 1872, Ramsgate Kent XXXVIII.1.22 (Map). SKE56202.

Landmark, 1907-1923, Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 3rd Edition, 1907-1923) (Map). SKE30966.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Map: Landmark. Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 1st edition 1862-1875): Landmark Epoch 1.
---Map: Landmark. Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 2nd Edition, 1897-1900): Landmark Epoch 2.
---Map: Landmark. 1907-1923. Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 3rd Edition, 1907-1923).
---Map: Landmark. Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 map (OS 4th Edition, 1929-1952).
---Map: Ordinance Survey. 1872. Ramsgate Kent XXXVIII.1.22.