It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.
Monument details
HER Number: | TR 06 SW 65 |
Type of record: | Monument |
Name: | Oare Gunpowder Works, Faversham |
The Oare Gunpowder Works was founded at the end of the seventeenth century. In the nineteenth century it was acquired by John Hall and Sons, owners of the Home and Marsh Gunpowder Works in Faversham. The Oare Works produced black powder, continuing to do so until 1934 when production was moved to Ardeer, Scotland. Many of the original buildings survive and in 2005 were restored when the site became a Country Park with a small museum.
Grid Reference: | TR 0028 6241 |
Map Sheet: | TR06SW |
Monument Types
Full description
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TR 001 622: Oare works gunpowder factory, founded in c1710, was situated alongside the stream that flows into Oare Creek, just west of Faversham town. After the Napoleonic Wars the works were acquired by John Hall, a Dartford engineer, and eventually became part of ICI Ltd, who ceased gunpowder production at Faversham in 1934. Gravel-working now occupies the site of the Oare Works, but some interesting remains survive: the foremans house, now called Davington Hill, the offices, stores, and remains of No 1 Magazine. (1-2) TR 0035 6245 (GCE). The gunpowder works at Oare appear from documentary sources to have been in operation from the early eighteenth century. In the nineteenth century the works was acquired by John Hall and Son owners of the Home (TR 06 SW 45) and Marsh (TR 06 SW 64) gunpowder works in Faversham. In 1920s the works were one of the few English blackpowder works to escape closure and were refurbished by ICI in 1926. The remains from this date representing the last phase of black powder production technology in England. The works closed in 1934 when black powder production was concentrated at Adeer, Scotland. Some of the newest machinery at the Oare works was moved to Scotland at this date. The site of the works is covered by dense vegetation, a few buildings are in light industrial use or remain in residential use. This summary is derived from an RCHME archaeological level 3 survey undertaken in April 1991. The results are held in the NMR archive. (3)
In 2005, the overgrown site was cleared and regenerated as a Country Park with public access. Gunpowder buildings were stabilised and restored and some of the machinery brought back from Ardeer and put on display. A small musuem was created to show the history of the gunpowder works. At the date of writing (2007) restoration work is continuing. (10)
From the National Heritage List for England:
The monument is situated at the south western end of Oare Creek on the north western edge of Faversham and includes most of the area occupied by the Oare gunpowder works. This represents the best surviving part of the disused factory and runs from south west to north east for around 810m along the wooded valley. The works survive here in the form of standing buildings and structures, ruins, earthworks and buried remains. Part of an associated water management system, a test range and a tramway are also included. In continuous use from the early 18th century to 1934, the factory complex underwent many phases of expansion and redevelopment. Most visible surviving components date to the 19th and early 20th centuries. Traces of the earliest, 18th century phases of the works will survive mainly in the form of below ground archaeological remains.
Historical records suggest that the privately owned gunpowder works were in operation by 1719. Raw materials such as sulphur and saltpetre, and the finished gunpowder, were transported to and from the mills by way of Oare and Faversham Creeks and the Swale Estuary. The early works were powered mainly by waterwheels and utilised a series of now mostly dry, brick and clay lined canals, also used for transporting materials between the buildings on small punts. The main feeder pond for the water management system was situated beyond the area of the scheduling to the south east. This area has been significantly disturbed by subsequent gravel extraction and is therefore not included in the scheduling.
The main entrance to the works was at the southern end of the monument, and a series of 19th century maps and descriptions indicate that the initial processing of the ingredients took place at the southern end of the site. The mixed ingredients were then transported to the more dispersed incorporating and refining mills situated in the central and northern parts of the monument.
From the mid-19th century steam power was introduced to the works. One of the most impressive surviving structures from this period is the corning house situated in the central part of the monument, near its north western boundary. Corning involved the grading of the powder to produce grains of the correct size for the various end uses. The massive size of the corning house reflects the fact that this operation was one of the most dangerous parts of the refining process. Thought to have been constructed in around 1845 and substantially redeveloped in 1926, the north west-south east aligned, roughly rectangular structure has rounded corners and is set into a steep hill slope to the north west. The battered, brick and concrete retaining walls stand to a height of around 6m. Its open, south east facing entrance is screened by a huge earthen blast bank. The original superstructure and corrugated iron roof, designed to be blown clear of the building in the event of an explosion, have not survived.
In 1854, Hall and Company took over the ownership of the three Faversham gunpowder factories, resulting in more integrated production practices and new investment in the Oare works. The test range, where the strength and reliability of the gunpowder was checked by test firings, was constructed during this period. It survives as a levelled terrace around 170m long and 11m wide along the north western edge of the monument. Each side of the terrace was screened by specially planted avenues of Wellingtonia trees, the stumps of which survive at 9m intervals. Building foundations visible at the south western end of the range represent an associated laboratory and gun shed.
After World War I, British explosives manufacturers grouped together to form Nobel Industries Limited, and, because of the growing use of chemical explosives, gunpowder production became concentrated in a small number of factories. These included the now integrated Faversham works, comprising the Oare and Marsh works, the latter situated around 1km to the north east. In 1926, Nobel Industries were absorbed into Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), and the Oare works underwent a new phase of expansion, becoming for a time the largest gunpowder producer in Britain. Among the most impressive buildings constructed during this time was the electrically driven incorporating mill, situated within the north western sector of the monument. This 84m long, north west-south east aligned, concrete based building housed four pairs of mills set on either side of a central motor room. The building retains some of its concrete machine bases. Contemporary photographs have revealed that the building originally had a timber first floor and was fronted with glazed, wooden framed panels, although these features no longer survive. During this period a manually powered tramway was used to move goods around the works. Most of the metal rails were subsequently removed, although a short section is visible within a large storage building situated on the southern edge of the monument.
During the early 1930s it was recognised that the coastal position of the Faversham works made them vulnerable to wartime invasion or aerial bombardment. For this reason, the Oare works were closed for production in 1934, and the factory lands were auctioned in 1935. Some of the machinery was removed to the Ardeer works in Ayrshire, and many of the processing buildings were subsequently demolished. These, along with further, associated archaeological features will survive within the monument in the form of below ground remains.
Building number 23 at the southern boundary of the works adjacent to Bysing Wood Road, all modern fences, railings, signs and the modern surfaces of all paths and tracks are excluded from the scheduling, although the ground beneath these features is included.
Reasons for Designation
Gunpowder was the only explosive available for military use and for blasting in mines and quarries until the mid-19th century. Water-powered manufacturing mills were established in England from the mid-16th century, although powder had been prepared by hand for at least 200 years. The industry expanded until the late 19th century when high explosives began to replace gunpowder. Its manufacture declined dramatically after the First World War with British production ceasing in 1976. The technology of gunpowder manufacture became increasingly complex through time with the gradual mechanisation of what were essentially hand-worked operations. Waterwheels were introduced in the 16th century, and steam engines and water turbines from the 19th century. Pressing and corning were also introduced between the 16th and 19th centuries to improve the powders. Pressing improved the explosive power of the mill cake and corning broke the pressing cake into different sizes and graded it with respect to its fineness. Additional techniques were developed throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries to improve the quality and consistency of the finished product, and this in turn resulted in a variety of types of powders; ranging from large coarse-grained blasting powders used in mines and quarries, to fine varieties used, for example, in sporting guns. Gunpowder manufacturing sites are a comparatively rare class of monument with around 60 examples known nationally. Demand for gunpowder centred on the London area (for military supply), other ports (for trade), and the main metal mining areas. Most gunpowder production was, therefore, in Cumbria, the south west, and the south east around the Thames estuary. The first water-powered mills were established in south east England from the mid-16th century onwards, and many of the major technological improvements were pioneered in those mills. All sites of gunpowder production which retain significant archaeological remains and technological information and survive well will normally be identified as nationally important.
Faversham was one of the most important centres of gunpowder production nationally, and the Oare works comprise the most extensive remains of the industry surviving in and around the town. The works survive comparatively well over most of their original extent, retaining a range of impressive standing buildings and structures in which some internal features, such as concrete machine bases, remain in place. Important survivals also include components of the original transport and power systems which connected the site. Most phases are well documented, at least 215 years of the factory's use are represented by visible remains, with a range of rare early 20th century components, such as the electrically powered incorporating mills, illustrating the peak of English gunpowder technology.
Named as one of the largest gunpowder mills and controlled by the crown. Oare is a large 19th-early 20th century complex. (12-14)
Historic England archive material (15)
BRICK LENT NEAR GLAZING HOUSE TR0024 6240. (Photograph). SKE814.
BRICK LENT NEAR GLAZING HOUSE TR0024 6240. (Photograph). SKE814.
CHART GUNPOWDER MILLS TR0096 6124. (Photograph). SKE805.
CHART GUNPOWDER MILLS TR0096 6124. (Photograph). SKE805.
CHART GUNPOWDER MILLS TR0096 6124. (Photograph). SKE806.
CHART GUNPOWDER MILLS TR0096 6124. (Photograph). SKE806.
COOPERAGE TR0018 6233. (Photograph). SKE812.
COOPERAGE TR0018 6233. (Photograph). SKE812.
CORNING HOUSE - TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE787.
CORNING HOUSE - TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE787.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE788.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE788.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE789.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE789.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE790.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE790.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE791.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE791.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE792.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE792.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE793.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE793.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE794.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE794.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE795.
CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252. (Photograph). SKE795.
DETAIL IN ENGINE ROOM TR0020 6238. (Photograph). SKE813.
DETAIL IN ENGINE ROOM TR0020 6238. (Photograph). SKE813.
FOREMAN'S HOUSE TR0010 6226 (Photograph). SKE810.
FOREMAN'S HOUSE TR0010 6226 (Photograph). SKE810.
GROVE BUNGALOW TR0059 6272. (Photograph). SKE800.
GROVE BUNGALOW TR0059 6272. (Photograph). SKE800.
GROVE COTTAGES TR0057 6270. (Photograph). SKE799.
GROVE COTTAGES TR0057 6270. (Photograph). SKE799.
INCORPORATING MILL TR0047 6260. (Photograph). SKE797.
INCORPORATING MILL TR0047 6260. (Photograph). SKE797.
INCORPORATING MILL TR0061 6263. (Photograph). SKE801.
INCORPORATING MILL TR0061 6263. (Photograph). SKE801.
LEAT - TR0030 6248. (Photograph). SKE786.
LEAT - TR0030 6248. (Photograph). SKE786.
OARE TUNNEL FROM S.E. TR0070 6319. (Photograph). SKE804.
OARE TUNNEL FROM S.E. TR0070 6319. (Photograph). SKE804.
PUMP AND ENGINE HOUSE TR0026 6241. (Photograph). SKE784.
PUMP AND ENGINE HOUSE TR0026 6241. (Photograph). SKE784.
STORE TR0012 6209 (Photograph). SKE809.
STORE TR0012 6209 (Photograph). SKE809.
THE WHITE HOUSE TR0062 6265. (Photograph). SKE798.
THE WHITE HOUSE TR0062 6265. (Photograph). SKE798.
TIN SHOPS AND CHARCOAL STORE TR0002 6215. (Photograph). SKE811.
TIN SHOPS AND CHARCOAL STORE TR0002 6215. (Photograph). SKE811.
TRAMWAY BRIDGE TR0041 6253. (Photograph). SKE796.
TRAMWAY BRIDGE TR0041 6253. (Photograph). SKE796.
WAGON LODGE TR0021 6235. (Photograph). SKE803.
WAGON LODGE TR0021 6235. (Photograph). SKE803.
Royal Commission on Historic Monuments in England, 1991, Oare Gunpowder Works (Unpublished document). SWX6956.
<1> Arch J 126 1969 252 (A.J.Percival) (OS Card Reference). SKE36555.
<2> Ind Arch of SE Eng 1978 40 (A.Haselfoot) (OS Card Reference). SKE44227.
<3> Wayne Cocroft/14-JAN-1991/RCHME: Oare Gunpowder Works Survey (OS Card Reference). SKE51277.
<4> Oare Gunpowder Works ink (Graphic material). SKE6415.
<5> Oare Gunpowder Works field sheet 1 (Graphic material). SKE6416.
<6> Oare Gunpowder Works field sheet 2 (Graphic material). SKE6417.
<7> Oare Gunpowder Works report (Bibliographic reference). SKE6418.
<7> RCHME/NMR, 1996, RCHME : Faversham Explosives Industry (Collection). SKE6479.
<8> RCHME : Oare Gunpowder Works, Kent (Collection). SKE6480.
<9> RCHME & The Faversahm Scoiety, 1994, About Faversham No 39: Oare Gunpowder Works (Serial). SKE12039.
<10> Dr Patricia Reid, 2007, The Oare Gunpowder Works Country Park (Verbal communication). SKE13086.
<11> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2004, Archaeological Investigations at Oare Gunpowder Works The Early Incorporating Mills & The Engine House (Unpublished document). SKE15679.
<12> The Cranstone Consultancy, 1993, Monuments Protection Programme: The Gunpowder Industry Combined Steps 1-3 Report (Unpublished document). SKE17244.
<13> Broadway Malyan Cultural Heritage, 2000, A Conservation Plan for the Oare Gunpowder Works, Faversham (Unpublished document). SKE17509.
<14> English Heritage, Register of Scheduled Monuments (Scheduling record). SKE16191.
<15> Historic England, Archive material associated with Oare Gunpowder Works (Archive). SKE54495.
Sources and further reading
| Source description | --- | Photograph: PUMP AND ENGINE HOUSE TR0026 6241.. 151/G/10. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: PRESS HOUSE - TRUSS TENSIONED BEAM.. 151/G/13. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: LEAT - TR0030 6248.. 151/G/14. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: CORNING HOUSE - TR0034 6252.. 151/G/15. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252.. 151/G/16. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252.. 151/G/17. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252.. 151/G/18. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252.. 151/G/19. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252.. 151/G/20. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252.. 151/G/21. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252.. 151/G/22. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: CORNING HOUSE TR0034 6252.. 151/G/23. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: TRAMWAY BRIDGE TR0041 6253.. 151/G/24. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: INCORPORATING MILL TR0047 6260.. 151/G/25. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: THE WHITE HOUSE TR0062 6265.. 151/G/26. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: GROVE COTTAGES TR0057 6270.. 151/G/27. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: GROVE BUNGALOW TR0059 6272.. 151/G/28. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: INCORPORATING MILL TR0061 6263.. 151/G/29. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: WATCH HOUSE AT THE SITE OF THE WHITE HOUSE TR0062 6265.. 151/G/30. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: WAGON LODGE TR0021 6235.. 151/G/31. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: OARE TUNNEL FROM S.E. TR0070 6319.. 151/G/32. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: CHART GUNPOWDER MILLS TR0096 6124.. 151/G/33. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: CHART GUNPOWDER MILLS TR0096 6124.. 151/G/34. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: ENTRANCE LODGE CHART GUNPOWDER MILLS, 56 SOUTH ROAD AT TR0101 6119.. 151/G/35. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: ENTRANCE LODGE CHART GUNPOWDER MILLS, 56 SOUTH ROAD AT TR0101 6119.. 151/G/36. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: STORE TR0012 6209. 151/G/4. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: FOREMAN'S HOUSE TR0010 6226. 151/G/5. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: TIN SHOPS AND CHARCOAL STORE TR0002 6215.. 151/G/6. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: COOPERAGE TR0018 6233.. 151/G/7. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: DETAIL IN ENGINE ROOM TR0020 6238.. 151/G/8. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Photograph: BRICK LENT NEAR GLAZING HOUSE TR0024 6240.. 151/G/9. Black and White. Negative. |
--- | Unpublished document: Royal Commission on Historic Monuments in England. 1991. Oare Gunpowder Works. |
<1> | OS Card Reference: Arch J 126 1969 252 (A.J.Percival). |
<2> | OS Card Reference: Ind Arch of SE Eng 1978 40 (A.Haselfoot). |
<3> | OS Card Reference: Wayne Cocroft/14-JAN-1991/RCHME: Oare Gunpowder Works Survey. |
<4> | Graphic material: Oare Gunpowder Works ink. PER. PEN. |
<5> | Graphic material: Oare Gunpowder Works field sheet 1. PER. PCL. |
<6> | Graphic material: Oare Gunpowder Works field sheet 2. PER. PCL. |
<7> | Bibliographic reference: Oare Gunpowder Works report. PAP. TYP. |
<7> | Collection: RCHME/NMR. 1996. RCHME : Faversham Explosives Industry. |
<8> | Collection: RCHME : Oare Gunpowder Works, Kent. |
<9> | Serial: RCHME & The Faversahm Scoiety. 1994. About Faversham No 39: Oare Gunpowder Works. |
<10> | Verbal communication: Dr Patricia Reid. 2007. The Oare Gunpowder Works Country Park. |
<11> | Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2004. Archaeological Investigations at Oare Gunpowder Works The Early Incorporating Mills & The Engine House. |
<12> | Unpublished document: The Cranstone Consultancy. 1993. Monuments Protection Programme: The Gunpowder Industry Combined Steps 1-3 Report. |
<13> | Unpublished document: Broadway Malyan Cultural Heritage. 2000. A Conservation Plan for the Oare Gunpowder Works, Faversham. |
<14>XY | Scheduling record: English Heritage. Register of Scheduled Monuments. [Mapped feature: #523 gun powder works, ] |
<15> | Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with Oare Gunpowder Works. |
Related records
TR 06 SW 1080 | Parent of: The 1926 Incorporating Mills, Oare Gunpowder Works, Faversham (Monument) |
TR 06 SW 1079 | Parent of: The Cooperage, Oare Gunpowder Works, Faversham (Building) |
TR 06 SW 1078 | Parent of: The Corning House, Oare Gunpowder Works, Faversham (Monument) |
TR 06 SW 1077 | Parent of: The Early Incorporating Mills and the Engine House, Oare Gunpowder Works, Faversham (Monument) |
TR 06 SW 1076 | Parent of: The Glazing House, Oare Gunpowder Works, Faversham (Monument) |
TR 06 SW 303 | Part of: The Foreman's House, Oare Gunpowder Works, Faversham (Building) |
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