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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 76 NW 412
Type of record:Pleistocene Environmental Findspot
Name:Faunal remains found at Rings Hill Farm, Wouldham


Molluscan remains and piece of a mammal bone were found at Rings Hill Farm, Wouldham, in presumed slopewash deposits during a test pit investigation in 2005.

Grid Reference:TQ 7207 6595
Map Sheet:TQ76NW

Monument Types

  • FINDSPOT (Early Prehistoric - 500000 BC to 4001 BC)

Full description

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Molluscan remains and piece of a mammal bone were found at Rings Hill Farm, Wouldham, in presumed slopewash deposits during a test pit investigation in 2005, done as part of the Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project (1). Molluscan remains found in TP 4, and the mammal bone (part of) in TP 3. The date of the deposits is uncertain.

<1> Wenban-Smith F. F., Bates M.R and Marshall G., 2007, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project Final Report: The Palaeolithic Resource in the Medway Gravels (Kent) (Unpublished document). SKE29351.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Unpublished document: Wenban-Smith F. F., Bates M.R and Marshall G.. 2007. Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project Final Report: The Palaeolithic Resource in the Medway Gravels (Kent).