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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 56 NW 316
Type of record:Pleistocene Environmental Findspot
Name:PEFS - Eynsford: mammoth tooth from east side of river


PEFS - Eynsford: mammoth tooth found while drain-laying to east of river, c. 20flint above river level

Grid Reference:TQ 53800 65390
Map Sheet:TQ56NW

Monument Types

  • SITE (Middle Palaeolithic to Upper Palaeolithic - 150000 BC to 10001 BC)

Associated Finds

  • MAMMAL REMAINS (Middle Palaeolithic to Upper Palaeolithic - 40001 BC to 10001 BC)

Full description

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PEFS - Eynsford, terrace overlain by brickearth on east side of river, c. 20flint above river level: mammoth tooth from c. 1m below g-surface, found while drain-laying in late 19th century (1, 2)

<1> Prestwich J, , 1891, On the age, formation, and successive drift-stages of the Darent; with remarks on the Palaeolithic implements of the district, and on the origin of the Chalk escarpment. , p152 (Article in serial). ske55094.

<2> Prestwich J, , 1889, On the recent discovery of the remains of the mammoth in the valley of the Darent. (Article in serial). ske55093.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Article in serial: Prestwich J, . 1891. On the age, formation, and successive drift-stages of the Darent; with remarks on the Palaeolithic implements of the district, and on the origin of the Chalk escarpment. . Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 47: 126-163. p152.
<2>Article in serial: Prestwich J, . 1889. On the recent discovery of the remains of the mammoth in the valley of the Darent. . Geological Magazine 6(3): 113-114..