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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 75 NE 811
Type of record:Building
Name:The Offices at Mote House, Mote Park, Maidstone


A building containing a number of rooms or 'offices' relating to household work or storage for Mote House built between 1793 and 1811. The original building, roughly rectangular in footprint, housed three departments - a brewhouse, woodhouse and laundry, all separate to one another and contemporary with the house.

Grid Reference:TQ 78131 55049
Map Sheet:TQ75NE

Monument Types

  • BREWHOUSE (Post Medieval - 1793 AD to 1900 AD (post))
  • ESTATE LAUNDRY (1793, Post Medieval - 1793 AD to 1900 AD (throughout))

Full description

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A building containing a number of rooms or 'offices' relating to household work or storage for Mote House built between 1793 and 1811. The original building, roughly rectangular in footprint, housed three departments - a brewhouse, woodhouse and laundry, all separate to one another and contemporary with the house. The building went through several remodellings including the addition of a second storey to the northern range 'some time after 1932' - it was originally single storeyed throughout.

The brewhouse originally occupied the northern rooms of the central block and east wing of the office building which were united, into a single large space under a tall, wide, brick, semicircular arch. This section was probably entered through a central doorway to the buildings north elevation. A large, brick vaulted squinch occupied the south-west corner of the brewhouse it is photographed in the source (Pl 174). An additional room to the north of the wing was thought to be contemporary and also to do with brewing. There was also a cellar underneath the brewhouse, its stairs leading from the brew house.

The laundry department comprised two rooms, a washhouse and much larger laundry along with a small room for storage over the laundry. The washhouse was entered by a doorway in the south wall and was lit by three smmall windows in the east. The laundry was entered from the washhouse by a 'segmental headed doorway' in its west wall. There was a massive fireplace in its north wall.

The wood house was situated in the southwest corner of the building and was for the storage of wood. (1)

Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2006, Mote Park, Maidstone: An Historic Building Survey of the House and its Outbuildings (Unpublished document). SKE15998.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2006. Mote Park, Maidstone: An Historic Building Survey of the House and its Outbuildings.

Related records

TQ 75 SE 288Part of: MOTE HOUSE (Listed Building)