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Monument details

HER Number:1535114
Type of record:Monument
Name:Two possible Second World War bomb craters are visible on aerial photographs of 1942


Two possible Second World War bomb craters are visible on aerial photographs of 1942 as circular hollows on the northern side of the New Sewer at St Marys Bay. These features were mapped from aerial photographs as part of the South East RCZAS NMP project.

Grid Reference:TR 0867 2722
Map Sheet:TR02NE

Monument Types

Full description

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Two possible Second World War bomb craters are visible on aerial photographs of 1942 as circular hollows on the northern side of the New Sewer at St Marys Bay. These features were mapped from aerial photographs as part of the South East RCZAS NMP project.

The two bomb craters are centred at TR 0867 2722, and measure approximately 14m and 6m in diameter. By the time of the vertical aerial photographs of 1968; no trace of these bomb craters can be seen. This area is now beneath modern housing and is the western end of Cedar Crescent (1-2).

<1> RAF, 1942, NMR RAF/AC81 171-2 26-AUG-1942 (Photograph). SWX23893.

<2> 1968, NMR MAL/68067 87-8 14-OCT-1968 (Photograph). SWX23775.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Photograph: RAF. 1942. NMR RAF/AC81 171-2 26-AUG-1942.
<2>Photograph: 1968. NMR MAL/68067 87-8 14-OCT-1968.