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Monument details

HER Number:MWX51354
Type of record:Monument
Name:Second World War minefield, Hythe Firing Ranges


A Second World War minefield is visible as four parallel rows of shallow circular pits on aerial photographs taken in the 1946. The minefield is located immediately behind the beach within the Hythe Firing Ranges (Monument Number 1531850). The rows of circular pits suggest that the buried mines have been or are in the process of being removed and define the part of the minefield, which is visible, though it is likely that the minefield extended further to the southwest and northeast along the beach. All the mines are likely to have been removed and the sand levelled after the war.

Grid Reference:TR 1451 3334
Map Sheet:TR13SW

Monument Types

  • MINEFIELD (Modern - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)

Full description

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A Second World War minefield is visible as four parallel rows of shallow circular pits on aerial photographs taken in the 1946 South East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment NMP. The minefield is located immediately behind the beach within the Hythe Firing Ranges (Monument Number 1531850) at TR 1451 3333. The rows of circular pits suggest that the buried mines have been or are in the process of being removed and define the part of the minefield, which is visible, though it is likely that the minefield extended further to the southwest and northeast along the beach. All the mines are likely to have been removed and the sand levelled after the war. (1)

<1> RAF, 1946, NMR RAF/106G/UK/1112 3114-3115 12-JAN-1946 (Photograph). SWX23803.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Photograph: RAF. 1946. NMR RAF/106G/UK/1112 3114-3115 12-JAN-1946.