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Monument details

HER Number:TR 15 NW 2224
Type of record:Monument
Name:Medieval Structures, 1, 3-4 Marlowe Arcade


Parts of a medieval mortared chalk-walled structure and parts of the medieval St. Mary Bredin church were located.

Grid Reference:TR 1491 5766
Map Sheet:TR15NW

Monument Types

Full description

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In April 1950 a trench was dug by the Canterbury Excavation Committee in the vicinity of the current 1, 3-4 Marlowe Avenue. It was coded CXVI EI and although much disturbed by later pits revealed evidence of Belgic occupation. This included pottery and a number of post-holes thought to be part of a hut. A pebble surface was seen at the east end of the trench and was found to contain 1st century Samian sherds; it was sealed by an occupation deposit of Roman date. Street silt of Roman date was also observed, this yielded pottery of c. 130-70 AD.

Also parts of a medieval mortared chalk-walled structure and parts of the medieval St. Mary Bredin church were located.

Andrews, G., 1985, The Archaeology of Canterbury: An Assessment (Unpublished document). SKE30429.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Unpublished document: Andrews, G.. 1985. The Archaeology of Canterbury: An Assessment.