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Monument details

HER Number:TR 15 NE 1624
Type of record:Monument
Name:Medieval Road Metalling, 17-19 St. George's Street


In a two day rescue excavation in 1982 by CAT the metalled surfaces of medieval and post-medieval St. George's Street were located.

Grid Reference:TR 1506 5769
Map Sheet:TR15NE

Monument Types

  • ROAD (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Full description

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Following bomb damage four cellars, labelled A, C, D and E, were excavated by the Canterbury Excavation Committee. The site is currently that of 17 & 19 St George's Street and the work was undertaken in April and Summer 1947. The site codes were CIX A, C, D and CX E.

Two phases of Roman Bath House were determined and called periods 1 and 2.

Cellar A revealed a series of Roman and Medieval pits cut into Roman layers.

Cellar C had cut through the hypocaust of the second Roman period and used as its floor the tiles basis of the hypocaust which covered the blocked remains of its predecessor of period 1. Cellar D had re-employed an opus signinum floor, but continued shovelling of coal had worn this down leaving holes. NE of cellars C and D excavation from the surface produced substantial remains of walling but further NE deep Medieval pits had left little but interrupted footings.

The relatively small scale of the exposed bath house means it is unlikely that it was for public use, the rooms measured only c. 8ft by 9ft. However it is also not connected with any private house and it must therefore be concluded that it was a private commercial venture.

In a two day rescue excavation in 1982 by CAT the metalled surfaces of medieval and post-medieval St. George's Street were located.

Frere, S. S and Stow, S., 1983, Excavations in the St. George's Street and Burgate Street Areas. (Monograph). SKE29967.

Andrews, G., 1985, The Archaeology of Canterbury: An Assessment (Unpublished document). SKE30429.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Monograph: Frere, S. S and Stow, S.. 1983. Excavations in the St. George's Street and Burgate Street Areas..
---Unpublished document: Andrews, G.. 1985. The Archaeology of Canterbury: An Assessment.