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Monument details

HER Number:TR 15 NE 1469
Type of record:Monument
Name:Anglo-Saxon Occupation, 1-3 Canterbury Lane


Saxon occupation was represented by part of a late Saxon structure and associated material. Later pits had badly disturbed the structure but some of its plan could be seen. This included a substantial chalk floor, partially refloored upon which was a large hearth. Several smaller hearths were also found.

Grid Reference:TR 1515 5773
Map Sheet:TR15NE

Monument Types

  • OCCUPATION SITE (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 410 AD to 1065 AD)

Full description

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Saxon occupation was represented by part of a late Saxon structure and associated material. Later pits had badly disturbed the structure but some of its plan could be seen. This included a substantial chalk floor, partially refloored upon which was a large hearth. Several smaller hearths were also found. One large post-hole was also found. To the west of the floor was a layer of gravel, perhaps representing an outer yard, though undated. A shallow pit cut into the hut floor containing saxon and residual Roman pot sherds. The pit seemed to have been covered by a deposit of black soil containing burnt daub with deep wattle imprints perhaps indicating the building had eventually burnt down.
A sequence of Medieval occupation-layers and floors was found but no walls, a hearth was also found and seems to have been used for iron-working. A circular oven was also found.

Andrews, G., 1985, The Archaeology of Canterbury: An Assessment (Unpublished document). SKE30429.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Unpublished document: Andrews, G.. 1985. The Archaeology of Canterbury: An Assessment.