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Monument details

HER Number:TR 15 NW 1610
Type of record:Findspot
Name:Middle Palaeolithic (British Mousterian) bout coupe handaxe from Wall Field (later known as Martyr's Field), Canterbury


Middle Palaeolithic (British Mousterian) bout coupe handaxe from Wall Field (later known as Martyr's Field), Canterbury

Grid Reference:TR 145 572
Map Sheet:TR15NW

Monument Types

  • FINDSPOT (Middle Palaeolithic - 150000 BC to 40001 BC)

Associated Finds

  • HANDAXE (Middle Palaeolithic - 150000 BC to 40001 BC)

Full description

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Bout coupe handaxe of classic Coygan type in British Museum, part of Brent collection (1, 2, 3). Catalogued as from "Wall Field", which is probably same location as Brent's site (4) later known as Martyr's Field.

<1> Tyldesley JA, 1987, The Bout Coupé Handaxe: a Typological Problem. British Series 170. BAR, Oxford., p. 68 (Bibliographic reference). SKE29688.

<2> Roe, D.A., 1981, The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Periods in Britain., p. 259 (Monograph). SKE29687.

<3> Roe, D.A., 1968, Gazetteer of British Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Sites, p. 143 (Monograph). SWX6570.

<4> Brent, J., 1861, Roman cemeteries in Canterbury, with some conjectures concerning its earliest inhabitants (Article in serial). SKE29706.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Bibliographic reference: Tyldesley JA. 1987. The Bout Coupé Handaxe: a Typological Problem. British Series 170. BAR, Oxford.. p. 68.
<2>Monograph: Roe, D.A.. 1981. The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Periods in Britain.. p. 259.
<3>Monograph: Roe, D.A.. 1968. Gazetteer of British Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Sites. 1-355. p. 143.
<4>Article in serial: Brent, J.. 1861. Roman cemeteries in Canterbury, with some conjectures concerning its earliest inhabitants. Archaeologia Cantiana 4: 27-42..