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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 67 SW 1127
Type of record:Listed Building


Grade II listed building. Main construction periods 1410 to 1699

Summary from record TQ 67 SW 1219:

Second World War Battle Headquarters at the Murrells, a private house in Vale Road, Northfleet, for Defended Locality DL32. This adaptation of private premises (nature unknown) is likely to have been undertaken by 1940 and would have been decommissioned by early 1944. The house still exists in residential use.

Grid Reference:TQ 63265 73083
Map Sheet:TQ67SW

Monument Types

  • SITE (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1410 AD to 1699 AD) + Sci.Date
  • BATTLE HEADQUARTERS (Modern - 1940 AD? to 1944 AD?)
Protected Status:Listed Building (II) 1346410: MURRELLS

Full description

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The following text is from the original listed building designation:
TQ 67 SW NORTHFLEET VALE ROAD 1/130 4.7.52 No 157 (Murrells)
C17 or earlier timber-framed L-shaped house, its walls rendered and painted in imitation of timbering. Tiled roof. South wing has first floor oversailing on brackets and gable over, with possible early window on first floor. All other windows are modern. West wing has date 1687 incised in plaster, flat topped porch on 2 columns and 2 pilasters, and hipped roof. Called Murrells after the family in , occupation from 1700-1840.
Listing NGR: TQ6326573084

Description from record TQ 67 SW 1219:
Second World War Battle Headquarters at the Murrells, a 17th century private house in Vale Road, Northfleet. This was for defended Locality DL32. It centred on the junction of Vale Road with Old Perry Street. This adaptation of these private premises (nature unknown) is likely to have been undertaken by 1940. This was primarily a Home Guard defensive position. This Battle Headquarters would have been decommissioned by early 1944, and any adaptations removed by 1945. The house still exists in continuing residential use.
Owner : Private
Publicly accessible : No
How accessed for survey : Private dwelling, viewable externally from the street only
Tourism Potential : As a point of interest on a defence heritage trail, enhanced by the 17th century origin of the building
Condition : unknown
Date of visit : 04/01/06

Dendrochronology dating of the roof (?of the hall and cross wing?) gave a felling date of 1410. (3)

English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.

Colonel, Gravesend Sub-Area, 01/09/41, Gravesend Sub-Area - Plan to Defeat Invasion (Unpublished document). SKE13828.

Smith, V.T.C., 17/03/06, Murrells Second World War Battle Headquarters, Vale Road, Northfleet (Photograph). SKE13863.

<3> Vernacular Architecture Group, ADS Dendrochronology Database, Vol. 37, Pg. 120 (Website). SKE17391.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
---Unpublished document: Colonel, Gravesend Sub-Area. 01/09/41. Gravesend Sub-Area - Plan to Defeat Invasion.
---Photograph: Smith, V.T.C.. 17/03/06. Murrells Second World War Battle Headquarters, Vale Road, Northfleet.
---Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.
<3>Website: Vernacular Architecture Group. ADS Dendrochronology Database. Vol. 37, Pg. 120.