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Monument details

HER Number:TQ 67 SW 1740
Type of record:Monument
Name:Ebbsfleet Area C (Baker's Hole) Substantial area colluvial dry valley-fill deposits within SSSI


Area C, which is included within the SSSI that also contains the two scheduled monuments at Bakers Hole, contains a thick sequence of colluvial dry valley-fill deposits but no archaeological or faunal remains have been discovered within it. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information)

Grid Reference:TQ 6114 7411
Map Sheet:TQ67SW

Monument Types

  • GEOLOGICAL MARKS (Lower Palaeolithic to Middle Palaeolithic - 500000 BC to 125000 BC)

Full description

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Area C at bakers Hole is also included within SSSI but is not part of the scheduled monument. It is in the centre of what was once a dry valley and contains a thick sequence of colluvial dry valley-fill deposits, thought most likely to mostly date to the last glaciation MIS 5d-2 (c. 110,000 - 10,000 BP). No archaeological, faunal or floral remains are known to have ever been found in the Area C deposits. Area C was initially investigated by Carreck (1972), then later by Wenban-Smith (1996). The area was included in the survey of the extant sediments undertaken between 2012 and 2015. There is a major sedimentary exposure along the length of its south-east facing face, recording of this exposure revealed that a substantial part of the apparently natural sediments at the southwest end of the section is in fact re-deposited made ground. The Pleistocene sediments present are all of colluvial/slopewash origin. They would originally have filled the dry valley that was present here. They are probably mostly of last glacial age, although they may in places be older than that, and of similar age to the thick colluvial sequence overlying Area A. (1-3)

<1> Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Archaeology, 2015, Baker's Hole SM and SSSI, strategic condition field survey, final report, current condition and future management recommendations, draft for discussion (Unpublished document). SKE53442.

<2> University of Southampton, 2012, Baker's Hole SSSI, SAM Field Survey, Report (Unpublished document). SKE53124.

<3> F.F. WENBAN-SMITH, 2014, Baker's Hole field survey, EV14, Fieldwork summary report (Unpublished document). SKE53122.

Sources and further reading

Cross-ref. Source description
<1>Unpublished document: Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Archaeology. 2015. Baker's Hole SM and SSSI, strategic condition field survey, final report, current condition and future management recommendations, draft for discussion.
<2>XYUnpublished document: University of Southampton. 2012. Baker's Hole SSSI, SAM Field Survey, Report. [Mapped feature: #108945 deposits, ]
<3>Unpublished document: F.F. WENBAN-SMITH. 2014. Baker's Hole field survey, EV14, Fieldwork summary report.